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She seemed... familiar, somehow. But he couldn't make the connection.Like a loose tooth, it nagged at him until, just as Marty was serving the pumpkin pie, it dawned on him. Marty's daughter reminded him of Flo!Flo! He hadn't thought of her in years. In fact, she'd dropped out of his mind about the time his car reached Seattle, all those years ago. He hoped all had gone OK for her. But, boy was she stupid, to think that she could tie him down by getting knocked up.He conveniently forgot that he'd promised to marry her before she let him into her pants at all.He wondered if she'd really been pregnant...If she was, he had a child someplace...That fanciful rumination came crashing back over him like a wave on a beach. HE HAD A CHILD SOMEPLACE! In honesty, he knew that Flo would not have lied about something like that.Arvid Thorgesson had a mission: Find out what had happened to Flo and his child.His plant was enjoying a 4-day weekend, but Arvid tracked down his boss and told him he. But now they come whenever you want, and the Guardian is going to appear and disappear a lot too, right? So what are they?" Just think of them as angels for now. When all the media frenzy has died down I'll tell you more, but telling you too much new stuff now might cause you to say the wrong thing when someone asks you about them." It's very weird the way they come whenever you want?" For now, let's just say it's because angels are very smart and clever because they work for God. I'll tell you more later, but now isn't the time. There are too many other important things to worry about." Okay. I want to know though."I got back to the main issue, "We'll make the resurrection very simple. After the angel saw we'd all finished saying our goodbyes and thank yous, the angel got brighter and brighter," which it did, "taking only a few seconds to get so bright it was hard to look at," which it was. Everyone could still see though, as it getting too bright for us to see might make the public.
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